
Cooking (year 1 and 7/8) on PhotoPeach

Our Garden to Table programme with the year 7 and 8 students

Gardening with our BIG BUDDIES on PhotoPeach

Harper's Colour Run

Harper told us about her exciting news that she was a part of the colour run! Harper said "I went to the colour run and these are the photos my mum sent through. I got dirty at the colour run because this was after the colour run. I had numbers but at the end they didn’t call out our numbers." 
Chloe W asked "how dirty did you get?" Harper replied, "Super dirty because I ran down a road with no cars and there were people throwing paint but not real paint. After I was a yellow minion because after I rolled in the yellow paint."
Jessie asked "Was it funny?" Harper replied "Yes. Because my sister rolled in the yellow paint first." Chloe K asked "why were you being silly (in a photo)?" Harper replied "Because I was hugging my granddad and he didn’t even have a white top because he wasn’t playing and then I hugged him" 
Nathan asked "how fun was it?" Harper replied "Really fun but not fun if it got in your eyes. It was in Timaru and that was a long way."

School Disco

We got all pretty and handsome and strutted our stuff at the school disco. For a lot of these students this was our first school disco and it was very exciting! School Disco on PhotoPeach

Our trip last term to see Harold in the Life Education Bus

Harold the Giraffe visited Oaklands School on PhotoPeach

Collaborating with our year 7/8 buddies

In Friday's we are lucky enough to work with our year 7 and 8 buddies. They teach us all types of things and we get to practise our reading. We think they are pretty good teachers! Big buddies on a Friday on PhotoPeach

PE games: ball skills

We are learning to practise our aim while using balls.

Practising our aim with Jimmy on PhotoPeach

Numeracy: Numbers to 10

We are learning to solve a puzzle to 10.

Gemma and Maxwell had never seen this puzzle completed before but we worked together and collaborated with the help of our number knowledge - we worked it out! Look how proud we are :) 

Key competencies: Relating to others, participating and contributing and thinking.

Junior and Senior School Partnership

On Fridays we have a fun programme organised for us by Mr McAven where the year 7 and 8's come to the year one classes and do fun activities with us. This will happen regularly. Check out the picture slidshows below! The chefs - Silverbeet Curry YUM! on PhotoPeach Tending to the Garden with our big buddies on PhotoPeach

Multicultural activity day

Thank you heaps to the efforts you have made at home to allow your child to be apart of a great cultural experience. A huge thanks goes to Kathleen Kingston and Chris Smith, our Oaklands ESOL (English for Students of Second Languages) teachers, who has been crafted over a week cultural learning for your child. This is a time were your child can celebrate who they are and learn about different cultures.

Room 17 Oaklands Cultural Fun Day! on PhotoPeach <iframe width="445" height="296" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Cultural shared kai

At Oaklands School we pride ourselves on providing our students with opportunities to share their own cultures and experience other cultures through authentic learning experiences. A big part of New Zealand culture is bringing a plate for a sort of pot luck lunch. Student families were asked to bring a plate of food the represented their child's culture or home country ... We had a yummy feast! This is part of our our week long school wide cultural celebrations. Cultural shared kai on PhotoPeach

Jellie Park swimming pool fun day - 2016

Room 17 at Jellie Park - 2016 on PhotoPeach

Room 17 displaying their Oaklands School CARE values on the bus

Bus Care Values on PhotoPeach

We love being in room 17!

Earthquake Turtle Training

This morning we shared our stories from the recent Earthquake. We discovered that a lot of us were scared it would happen again and felt a bit sad (we had a few tears this morning having to leave our family and caregivers). We found out that a few of us forgot to do the "turtle move" when the earthquake happened so we had a practice at school.

First we practiced our turtles inside the classroom, making sure that we are on our knees and protecting our heads.

But we never know when an earthquake might happen - we "pretended" to play and practise what we would do in the playground. We need to remember to stay out side and get down to the ground ...

And make a turtle shape!

After an earthquake we wait for a teacher or adult to tell us it is safe to leave the turtle shape. We then meet the rest of the school at the cricket pitch on the back field.

Healthy Eating


Look at all the yummy healthy food choices room 17 brings for fruit (and vege) break in the morning! We will be looking into healthy food choices this term - but our students already know that fruit and vegetables are really important for our growing bodies!

Chloe K and Jack love their corn!

Chloe W is lucky to have watermelon!

Di Di has some cucumber ...

Jesse brought some yummy blueberries!

Kaydence brought some carrot sticks

Harper loves her aporo and Danika loves her Panana!
Lots of yummy ideas for fresh fruit and veges in the lunch box!

Welcome to room 17 students for 2016 (except Harper she wasn't feeling very good today! )

Sun smart!

In New Zealand the sun is really hot! Parents and Caregivers you can help us. Please make sure we come to school with sunscreen on (and also ensure we have a BIG drink bottle ... little ones mean we need to fill them all the time!)
We are learning to be self managers and put our own sunscreen on. 
We can do this at home too!
We can put sunscreen on before morning tea, lunch and swimming!

Cosmic Kids Yoga

In room 17 we love to do Cosmic Kids yoga. These video's are found on youtube and tell lots of awesome stories while we act them out with yoga. Feel free to use these at home they are great to get us moving when it is too hot to be outside!
Click the link below: